Thursday, November 5, 2015

Long Time No See...

Like all my other post on this blog I have to start by apologizing for my horrendous lack of updates I'm just too lazy and busy most of the time.(Also you'll have to thank my friends and English teacher for yelling at me on Skype today because that's why I'm updating this) Anyway I guess I will have to recap the whole month of October now so I will try my best :).
I'm going to do this in order of what I have been up to this month so to start off this great month I went on an 8 kilometer orienteering run  through a forest outside Copenhagen with my counselor Finn. I am horribly out of shape so it was a bit rough but it was still nice to experience something that my counselor really enjoys. The next day I went to go see The Intern with Marianne a Rotarian and her daughters. I thought that movie was really nice and it was a nice way to make a normally boring Monday into a really fun day. Then that Wednesday my sponsor Rotary club put  on 5K run that maria and I both tried our best to run in. Then I went to a Sebadoh concert that Declan kindly got my ticket for. It was a good concert and it was nice hanging out with Franco and Declan. Then in the middle of the month we had fall break so I had a long relaxing week with no school. That week was also when my birthday was. On the 15th my host sisters came into my room (late so I got to sleep in) and then sang a birthday song to me. Then we had breakfast and I opened my presents( thank you for everything I got guys it was really nice) and after that we just hung out until I went to lunch with Finn. He took to me to lunch at a restaurant down in the harbor and I got a huge burger that was so hard to eat nicely but it tasted delicious. Then right after that my friends all came over for a sleep over. We all hung out and ate a wonderful dinner of Mexican food (Thanks Jens for cooking) and we also ate many desserts made by Marley and my host mom Pernille. Needless to say we were all very full by the end of the meal but it was totally worth it. We all hung out and watched some things and just talked and then the next day everyone went home. That weekend I went to a Rotarian named Lis' 80th birthday. Thanks to her I got to experience a traditional danish party/ dinner and I got to go to a really pretty hotel/ place about an hour from where I live. It was a long night but I had a great time with that. Then I had an Imagine Dragons concert that I went to with Cajsa. I really love their music so I of course really enjoyed the concert. The opening act was also really good they are called the Sunset Sons and I liked their songs a lot. The rest of that week was uneventful in school but I am still enjoying even that. I like my class a lot so it makes the going through a boring school day where I don't understand anything a lot easier. Plus not having to do homework is a big bonus:p. Then on Sunday I went to have dinner with my second host family. It was nice to see where I would be staying and it was also good to be able to talk and hang out with my next family. I'm going to be moving on the 14th so I'm glad I was able to go over there before hand. Then I had a fairly normal last week of October until Thursday came and I found out that there was a demonstration that a lot of people in my class would be going to so. I decided to go as well. It was a really cool experience being able to protest against budget cuts to schools in Denmark. Then on Friday the 30th I went with Marley and a rotary member from her sponsor club to a Halloween festival in Malov. We ate a lot of 5 kroner cakes, candy and other things while walking through the town and forest. And then on Saturday I went with Maria to her third host Mom's apartment and we made Monkey bread and golden fish. After baking we went to Tivoli which was decorated for Halloween and it was amazing to see I loved it. Then the next day we went on a long walk with my neighbors dog Charlie and October came to end and November began.
I love it here and everyday I cannot believe that I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to be in this wonderful country for an entire year. As always I can't wait to see what I will get up to next.
Talk to you soon hopefully!

there were so many people at the demonstration!!

mine venner

Dat hamburger....

So many pins

Harry Potter and his gang just landed here - Cecilia (my swag classmate) 

Cecilia and Amanda 

All the desserts on my birthday

Pretty trees outside my house

golden fish things 

Imagine Dragons!!!!

My host sister Cajsa

At Kiara's birthday

Marley and Me at the Halloween Festival

Monkey Bread

More Pretty leaves 

My classmate Sigrid <3

Looking good :)

At the round tower 

With Cajsa and Sarah

at the Sebadoh concert

Maria, Esther and I 

Statues at the Glypoteket

Before running 

My counselor Finn and I 

In Tivoli

With the height man