Saturday, August 22, 2015

Two Weeks!

Hello! Sorry about not updating sooner my laptop died and when I went to charge it I realized my adaptor wasn't compatible with my laptop charger... whoops but now my computer is up and running again so hopefully if I don't procrastinate I will have more posts up more often! I have been pretty busy since I last updated I have started school and I have been settling into my life here. I am still having a great time exploring, getting lost, and finding my way again.

 School is pretty boring just cause I have no idea what is happening most of the time but my classmates are super nice and I have plenty of reading time which is great (I'm reading a book my host mom gave me called The Girl you Left Behind). I also really like my English and French classes cause I actually understand which is a nice change compared to the rest of the time. Danish schools are very different which has been interesting to experience. The students get a lot of breaks, they call teachers by their first names, and you get off school/ go in school at different times each day those are just a few things that are strange for me at school. But over all I am having a good time and I look forward to learning more Danish so I can try and participate in class a little. Another thing that I have started is soccer! I really love it, everyone on my team is so sweet and they explain all the drills to me and its so nice. There are also two half American girls on the team that are super nice to me and I really like talking to them! I had my first game today and we won 5 to nothing, I think, it was an awesome feeling winning my first Danish soccer match! I really look forward to playing more soccer with my team throughout my exchange and I'm glad I was able to play while I'm here. Outside of school and soccer I have done a lot of exploring Copenhagen and Dragor. I have been out with Maria many times and its really great to have her close to me so we can get lost together. One thing we did was go swimming in the cold water when it was a warm day here. Maria, Mariano and I all hung out for a while comparing national anthems and random things it was really fun. Another thing that I have experienced was two different Danish parties. One of the parties I went to was down at the harbor two girls from my class were nice enough to invite me. It was great to be able to hang out with them and I had a good time. The other party I went to was with all the students from my school down at this really pretty beach. I had a great time talking to everyone and getting written on and writing I <3 USA on everyone I could (by the way writing on each other with markers is a tradition here in Denmark that is quite funny to me).

So I've been really busy but in good way! I love Denmark and its people so much and I'm so happy that I ended up in this small Scandinavian country <3 I'll write another post after Intro camp I can't wait to meet all the other exchange students!
Amanda a girl from my class and I

Bus pics :p

The Danish flag got drawn on me 

My one love <3

Snapchat of lulu that I saved cause I miss her

Ice cream in hand as always

Aren't we cute


A park I went to with some classmates

I saw this little guy in the road and got far too excited

At the pride parade in Copenhagen

US embassy represent

Everyone should have squirtle drawn on them

Random water picture


1 comment:

  1. I love reading about your adventures and seeing all the pictures. It makes missing you easier! I love you! Have a great time at language camp!
